Enjoy our little jrpg style games.
Valhalla Judgment ICurrent Version: 1:01 - BETA
Witness the story of a Flame Knight called Gladios and Dorn the Ranger
as they fight down the Chaos Forces. Gladios was marked by a mage Kiros as the chosen one who will defeat the Evil-Chaos lord. But there seems to be a change of sets. Follow an story based on old fantasy rpgs like final fantasy one with soundtrack from famous games, movies and animes. You can take part in the beta!
Get the Beta-Testing Pack Here. Includes full game setup and beta feedback notes. BETA MIRROR OPEN! Download Here - Dropbox Link closed currently. Sorry. |
Valhalla Judgment 1.5Current Version: Under Construction.
Takes place in the time after VH I and before VH II, where an Arcane Mage Kertos seeks to found a group to stop the spread of the Chaos Forces.
Gather your Team of many choices (both Men of the Law and Mercenaries) Build your Headquarters (install magical devices, teleporters, cosmetics and many more). Learn the real identity of the chosen one. Production Halted due to busy work hours.